Friday, July 1, 2016

My Writing

I am proud of my writing because  i try my hardest to finish my work

Something the challenge me was getting started on my work because i don't know what to do

I have been working on my writing so i can finish it to a gold level

The learning muscles I have been stretching was my refining muscles  because I had to go back into my work and make changes.

At writing with Miss Hill  we had to retell a story called Hare and Tortoise Rematch. But first we had to plan till before we start the real writin. The story that we had to retell was an amazing story. I just couldn't wait to start the really one. It was a really long book to retell my hands got to tied from typing that long story. But I put a lot of effort in.

                                  TORTOISE AND HARE REMATCH

Good morning land lovers and fans i'm jonny fox and  i’m here to say that on saturday night  it is
 going to be the most exciting and the most wonderful race ever. here’s  racer number 1 he is fast as a cheetah  introducing the one and only champion Harry the hare .he has 81 wins and. 1 lost and here’s the next racer number 2. here he comes.   he’s round he’s slow as a slug introducing champion tortoise. he has 1win 0 lost.  join us here the next saturday to see hare and tortoise race around the track on the snowy Mountain  i am Jonny fox and I’m signing out.

Monday it was a hot day hare boxed, tortoise  did nothing. Tuesday it was a windy day. hare chased leva. tortoise he did nothing again. Wednesday it is a rainy day it was raining dogs and cats. Hare swam.  tortoise did nothing again. Thursday it  hailed. hare golfed Tortoises he did nothing. Friday it snowed. hare raced  chased and swam. tortoises did nothing Saturday it was was time for tortoise and hare’s rematch day and it was time for the race to begin.

 I'm Jonny fox and introducing tortoise and hare. so they run over to the starting line then BANG there goes the gun. then Hare race off like a cheetah but tortoise he just  stood there.  hare he just kept running and running. time for to tortoises to  win. he took one step and slipped over on to his back and slider all the way down and then he passed hare and cross the finish line
And tortoise and he was the upset winner!

                                                             THE END

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