Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Ryan Sissons  Birthplace was Bulawayo

Zimbabwe is the country that he came from
 He was born in june 24 of  1988  his age is 28.
And the height of him is        1.75m and his heavy is 62kg
His sport is the triathlon
When he was a little boy
He did all of the triathlon at school.
And Laurent Vidal was Ryan Sissons coach but he
Got sick and die and ryan sissons put  his initials on he bike to show his respite
When he has no triathlons what he does is Drive fast cars with motors and  he likes going to the beach and snow sports and mountain biking.
Sissons is some way through
a teaching degree but has stopped for a bit to train for the Olympics      
Started five years ago
In school
He started the triathlon once he was little
First experience being at the new zealand school Nationals in 2007
Triathlon information
In the triathlon they have to
Do 1.5km swimming then
40 km cycling and a 40 km run in the shortest possible
The triathlon first started in
2000  sydney olympics
The swim in a wetsuit to swim in thought the 1.5km swim and then run to the bikes and take off the wetsuits and put on helmets and Shoes and then start biking.and then put bike on the rack and then put helmets
on the bike

I have been learning heaps of things about my athlete and what he does. Something that has challenged me was to find all the information about him. I have learnt to find the key words and the tricky bit is making all of them into a sentences and making since

Friday, July 1, 2016

My Writing

I am proud of my writing because  i try my hardest to finish my work

Something the challenge me was getting started on my work because i don't know what to do

I have been working on my writing so i can finish it to a gold level

The learning muscles I have been stretching was my refining muscles  because I had to go back into my work and make changes.

At writing with Miss Hill  we had to retell a story called Hare and Tortoise Rematch. But first we had to plan till before we start the real writin. The story that we had to retell was an amazing story. I just couldn't wait to start the really one. It was a really long book to retell my hands got to tied from typing that long story. But I put a lot of effort in.

                                  TORTOISE AND HARE REMATCH

Good morning land lovers and fans i'm jonny fox and  i’m here to say that on saturday night  it is
 going to be the most exciting and the most wonderful race ever. here’s  racer number 1 he is fast as a cheetah  introducing the one and only champion Harry the hare .he has 81 wins and. 1 lost and here’s the next racer number 2. here he comes.   he’s round he’s slow as a slug introducing champion tortoise. he has 1win 0 lost.  join us here the next saturday to see hare and tortoise race around the track on the snowy Mountain  i am Jonny fox and I’m signing out.

Monday it was a hot day hare boxed, tortoise  did nothing. Tuesday it was a windy day. hare chased leva. tortoise he did nothing again. Wednesday it is a rainy day it was raining dogs and cats. Hare swam.  tortoise did nothing again. Thursday it  hailed. hare golfed Tortoises he did nothing. Friday it snowed. hare raced  chased and swam. tortoises did nothing Saturday it was was time for tortoise and hare’s rematch day and it was time for the race to begin.

 I'm Jonny fox and introducing tortoise and hare. so they run over to the starting line then BANG there goes the gun. then Hare race off like a cheetah but tortoise he just  stood there.  hare he just kept running and running. time for to tortoises to  win. he took one step and slipped over on to his back and slider all the way down and then he passed hare and cross the finish line
And tortoise and he was the upset winner!

                                                             THE END

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Totara  have been learning about Matariki and learning with new people about Matariki.

The learning muscle I used to get out of the learning pit was my noticing muscle because something was wrong with our kite and I had to look carefully to find out how to fix it.

I am proud of my learning in Matariki because my group did well at working together in doing the kites. I learnt how to make kites with bamboo, toitoi and flax.

The resin we are  celebrate Matariki is because a New Year is starting and it is Maori New Year
all over NZ and it is a really great time to hang with your mum and dad and celebrate.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


I enjoyed playing hockey with Miss Hill every Saturday.

I am proud of myself because I am playing hard in my games.

Something that challenged me was all my training I do on Thursdays

Next time I could train harder and play harder and try to keep my mouth shut.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


We are learning about changes in science. I was in the bread group. We made bread in the hall.

I enjoyed making our bread in the hall

I am proud of my bread because I made it the best bread I can ever taste in my life

Something that challenged me was kneeing the dough and flipping it

Next time I could not make it to sticky.

Monday, May 16, 2016

perimeter task

I really love doing my perimeter task for my math.  It was all about us finding how long it is and see what is the measurement and see what is the problem. We had to make a playground that we will like to play on. We can make what ever shape we like but after we finish we have to draw the number to see how long the shape is. Then we had to write our thinking that we have done. Something that challenged me was working out the perimeter answer and I used adding in tens and ones to work out the perimeter.


Monday, April 18, 2016

Technology blog post

We are learning to solve problems using technology. My question was How can I stop possums from destroying our native bush? I have been learning to make my own possum trap in technology and my trap works like this, so the possums is going to run to the food in my trap and its going to tripwire my trap and the doors are going to shut on him.

I am proud of my prototype because I have put heaps of pride into my prototype  and I had to make some changes to my work to make it better so now it is better then the my first try.

Something that challenged me was getting it to work the way  I wanted but I had to change it and make it better. The first time it had a spike going thorough but I pulled them all out of the box and I had to add some different materials to my prototype to make it work better.

I really enjoyed making my prototype out of a box and out of materials and it was so much fun making a trap to catch predators in the bush that eat New Zealand Native birds.
The top of my trap and you can see where the stick wall begins
from the top it goes  through the long hole and it blocks the other side of the trap
a photo of my trap from the front part
the sign on my prototype

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Omatua and Weka camp

 At Camp Omatua was really fun I really enjoyed camping at Camp Omatua and for dinner we had the first night we had burgers and pasta we had the 2 night. At Camp Omatua we went into the bamboo forest, built a bamboo hut, made a catapult, play hand ball in the hall, paint in the hall, played the fear factor and the chocolate game, and the slip and slide was fun and then played soccer.

On the 2nd night I was getting ready to go to camp Weka but the Weka kids had dinner early, before everyone else. Weka camp was not that far from camp Omatua but we could not drive all the way because Weka was all the way at the bottom and there were a zip line that can carry all of our day packs to Weka. We had to walk all the way down to Weka it was long and once we got down to Weka we had to grab all of the day pack in a shed and we had to take our own stuff to our cabins and we had for desert was orange cake's with ice cream.                  
It was fun playing at the pools
I really like jumping off the diving broad

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Mary Celeste

I have been learning adding more information on a story about the Mary Celeste.

I am proud of my writing because I worked really hard on it and make it more interesting that the reader what to read on.

Something that challenged me was doing a long story about a banded ship that the crew got tossed of the ship.

Next time I could do and add more information and work my hardest on my next story.

I really enjoyed making a cool story about an long lost ship that sealed over the deep blue sea.

Friday, February 26, 2016



I have been learning to use my capital letters on my presentation about Big Hero 6 and after full stops even if my words are long. I still have to put in my capital letters and I have been learning about doing your own wallpaper.
I am proud because I worked really hard on my presentation.Something that challenged me was making 8 slides about Big Hero 6.Next time I could work harder on a presentation.I really enjoyed making one this term.